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Infracciones de Tránsito

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El informe de dominio me ayudó a evitar problemas al comprar mi auto. Excelente servicio y muy confiable. ¡Recomiendo sin dudarlo!

Juan Pérez

The scene is from inside a vehicle, looking through the front windshield at traffic on a bridge. Cars are lined up, with a green and yellow taxi in front. The bridge structure is visible ahead with towers and overhead traffic lights. To the right, there is a large tree and to the left, a row of buildings with satellite dishes and utility wires.
The scene is from inside a vehicle, looking through the front windshield at traffic on a bridge. Cars are lined up, with a green and yellow taxi in front. The bridge structure is visible ahead with towers and overhead traffic lights. To the right, there is a large tree and to the left, a row of buildings with satellite dishes and utility wires.
